Eagle Booster Club

Despite the school's relatively small size, Williamsburg Christian Academy has established a prominent athletic program, proving that academics and athletics are not mutually exclusive.
The Booster club is a collection of corporate sponsors and WCA families that support WCA athletics in many ways, but primarily by funding a portion of the athletic budget. Booster Club funds help purchase equipment for the athletic department, provide funding for officiating, and help pay the cost of sports requiring the use of off-site facilities.
Become a corporate athletic sponsor to enjoy the many benefits at each membership level. Even better, you will be helping to support our very worthy, awesome WCA student-athletes!  Corporate sponsors, please fill out the appropriate form on the page below to register and pay for your sponsorship. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Contact the Judy Henley at henleyj@williamsburgchristian.org

Become an Eagle Booster Club Sponsor and have your corporate logo displayed HERE as well as at select locations on the WCA Athletic grounds and facilities!